I am Jake and I am hoping to make changes for all people with disabilities. I want to be the president for all people with disabilities and make lives less stressful for all of us.
I want to have different rules so my friends and I don't get in trouble or go to jail. People with disabilities cannot live in jail. There are many really fun things that are overwhelming and stressful. I am always afraid that I cannot be perfect all the time so if I change rules for people with disabilities, we will be ok to be ourselves. I am afraid to have a job because I could be fired. I am afraid to do a good job because then when I don't do a good job I will not meet expectations. Expectations are very stressful. It makes me feel like I have to be perfect. Being unsafe is my biggest challenge. I think about it all the time and am afraid I will actually do something unsafe. I cannot help it when I disrobe, elope, safe unsafe words, break a boundary, accidentally break a law. Sometimes I don't even remember doing things, and I could get a big consequence. Regular police will no longer respond to calls for autism families. There will be a new number to call, 811, to get a crisis unit to come to the house. In the crisis unit/vehicle, there will be therapists, behaviorists, blue lights, heavy blankets, and fidget toys. They will be happy therapists, not mad-faced police with weapons. There will be a crisis vehicle at every fire station. I don't want my friends to worry about having jobs or making money. They will just have money to get the things that they need. Telling the difference between needs and wants is also hard. Making life easier and stopping people with disabilities from getting harsh consequences is what I want to do as president for people with disabilities. --Jake
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